Occupation Permit Mauritius

Occupation Permit Mauritius

Occupation Permit

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What is an Occupation Permit

An Occupation Permit in Mauritius combines a work and residence permit, allowing eligible non-citizens to reside and work on the island. The permit is aimed at four categories: Investors, Professionals, Self-Employed and Retired non-citizens.  Occupation Permits are processed by the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Passport and Immigration Office (PIO).

Process of Obtaining Occupation Permit in Mauritius

The process of obtaining an occupation permit Mauritius involves submitting an application with the required documents such as proof of investment, educational certificates, employment contracts, business plans, and other relevant information.

The application is reviewed by the Economic Development Board and the Passport and Immigration Office, who assess the applicant's eligibility and the potential benefits to Mauritius

How Do you Get Your Occupation Permit

How do I get my Occupation Permit in Mauritius? If you are considering a move to the stunning island of Mauritius for work? Whether you're an investor, professional, self-employed individual, or retired non-citizen, the process of obtaining an Occupation Permit (OP) is straightforward and can open doors to new opportunities in this beautiful paradise.

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If you plan to invest in Mauritius, you must show a minimum transfer of USD 50,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible foreign currency. Holders of Investor's visa can stay for 10 years. The Occupation Permit is renewable if you generate a minimum annual gross income of MUR 4 million as from the third year. subsequent years.


Professionals must have a job offer in Mauritius with a minimum monthly salary of MUR 30,000.


For self-employed individuals, a minimum investment of USD 35,000 in a business activity is required. The annual business income for the Self-Employed is MUR 800,000.

Retired Non-Citizen

Retirees must be 50 years or older and make an initial transfer of at least USD 1,500 monthly to a local bank account in Mauritius. To renew your Occupation Permit, you should show an evidence of availability of funds of, at least USD 18,000 annually from your country of origin or residence.

Residence permits for Dependents

Under a Family Occupation Permit, your spouse, dependent child, parent, other dependent may be eligible to become resident of Mauritius for a period of 10 years. 

Steps to Apply for an Occupation Permit

  • Gather Required Documents: Ensure you have all necessary documents, including your passport, recent passport-sized photos, birth certificate, business plan (for investors and self-employed), bank statements, employment contract (for professionals), and proof of funds (for retirees).
  • Online Application: Visit the Economic Development Board (EDB) Mauritius website to fill out your application. The EDB handles the processing of Occupation Permits and offers a streamlined online application system.
  • Submit Supporting Documents: Upload all required documents as per the instructions provided on the EDB website. Make sure to double-check for accuracy and completeness to avoid any delays.
  • Pay Fees: There are specific fees associated with the application which vary by the type of permit. Ensure you make the payment as instructed on the EDB portal.
  • Appointment for Biometrics: After submitting your application, you will be required to schedule an appointment for biometric data collection. This is a mandatory step and must be completed in person.
  • Wait for Approval: The processing time can vary, but generally, it takes a few weeks. You can track the status of your application online through the EDB portal.
  • Collect Your Permit: Once approved, you will be notified to collect your Occupation Permit. Ensure you carry the necessary identification and confirmation documents


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