HR Consulting

The HR Consulting forms part of the range of services offered by DNB HR Associates to businesses of all types and sizes.

Business in Mauritius - Human Resource Audit

HR Audit ISO 30414

Examines various aspects of the HR Management tasks in an organisation that are related to HR Processes (HRP), ensuring compliance, efficiency, and alignment with organizational goals.

DNB HR Associates provide HR Audit in line with ISO 30414 standards, ensuring that HR practices are not just compliant but also optimized for organizational success


DNB HR Associates Ltd offers a range of Human Resource Management Courses and Training for aspiring HR Managers and practititioners. 


Our practical HR Training Courses and Manager Skills Development Programs help to build and improve your teams’ capabilities. 


Our mission is to provide best Human Resource Consulting Services and Human Resource/Management and Leadership Training Solutions of international standards that add value to businesses.

HR Consulting - Recruitment


Employing the right employee with the appropriate profile including academic qualifications, skills, work experiences and attitude is crucial for your business. We hire your future human resource.  

We guide you in your HR Planning and execution including selection process and help you source out potential candidates to fill the different vacancies.  

Our HR Consultants conduct the interviews prepare the Offer letter and eventually the contract of employment of the selected candidate.

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Business in Mauritius

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